=== Sexy Polling === Contributors: 2glux Author: 2GLux Tags: admin, animation, effects, effect, aggregation, Aggregator, answer, article, blog, comments, community, content, controversy, cooperation, discussion, feed, feedback, management, marketing, media, network, News, opinion, politics, press, promotion, public, publishing, question, rate, rating, research, statistics, stats, syndication, view, vote, voting, booth, democracy, poll, polling, polls, survey, vote, shortcode, request, text, responsive, ajax, post, Posts, widget, shortcode, sidebar, html, css, css3, network, social, society, text, javascript, jquery, plugin, plugins, page, pages, content, simple, wordpress, iPad, iphone, mobile, secure, seo, tablet Requires at least: 3.6 Tested up to: 4.4 Stable tag: 0.9.4 Sexy Polling - Find out what your audience thinks! == Description == [Sexy Polling](http://2glux.com/projects/sexypolling) - Find out what your audience thinks! You will be surprised by count of all the possible features! = See = [Live Demo](http://2glux.com/projects/sexypolling/demo) [Template Creator Demo](http://2glux.com/projects/sexypolling/demo-backend) [Statistics Demo](http://2glux.com/projects/sexypolling/demo-statistics) [Support Forum](http://2glux.com/forum/sexypolling) ### Features: * Votes progress feature - You can use timeline bar to see how users voted over time! * More then 10 beautiful skins. * Ajax based - no page reload. * Completely new checkbox selection effect, implemented special for SEXY extensions. * Customizable look and feel with live preview - Create your own skin using our sexy Template Creator. [See demo](http://2glux.com/projects/sexypolling/demo-backend) * Set start and end dates. * Shows estimated time until poll starting. * Users can add their own answers. * Single/multiple voting (checkbox, radiobutton). * Reset votes on certain answers. * Set allowed count of checked options. * Set custom voting period. (Allow users to vote on certain poll once a day, or once an our ...). * Shows countdown timer and estimated time user can vote again. * Hide results, if user not voted. * Set voting permissions, "add answer" permissions! * Very easy to install and configure. * A lot of stunning effects. **Note:** *Free version has the Powered By text in the bottom of the poll* ### PRO Features: * Unlimited polls. * Unlimited answers. * Voting statistics [See demo](http://2glux.com/projects/sexypolling/demo-statistics) * Countries statistics [See demo](http://2glux.com/projects/sexypolling/demo-statistics) * Multiple polls on same page. * No Powered By text * PRO support. ###IMPORTANT: If you think you found a bug in Sexy Polling or have any problem or question concerning it, do not hesitate to contact us at [info@2glux.com](mailto:info@2glux.com). ### Support: Please `use` [Support Forum](http://2glux.com/forum/sexypolling) for your questions and support requests! == Installation == 1. Upload the entire sexy-polling folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or upload the .zip package through Plugins->Add New->Upload. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. You will find 'Sexy Polling' menu in your WordPress admin panel. Use it and be happy! == Changelog == = 0.9.4 = * Minor corrections, major changes coming soon = V 0.9.3 - 18/12/2013 = * Corrected notices * Make compatible with WordPress 3.8 * Added powered by text = V 0.9.2 - 14/11/2013 = * Shortcode corrections = V 0.9.1 - 31/10/2013 = * Initial release == Screenshots == 1. Gray template 2. Gray template closed 3. Template creator - main styles 4. Template creator - answer bar styles 5. Poll Options 6. Answers Drag And Drop reordering 7. PRO statistics 8. CountDown timer - Estimated time before next vote 9. Blue - Orange Temaplate 10. Blue Temaplate 1 11. Black Temaplate 1 12. Blue Temaplate 2 13. Green Temaplate 14. Purple Temaplate 15. Red Temaplate 16. Lite Green Temaplate 17. Orange Temaplate 18. Lite Purple Temaplate 19. Raver Temaplate